Ghyama Arts!

St. Margaret’s House

Project Co-ordinator and Drama Lead


About the project

Ghyama Arts! (Awesome Arts!) project from St Margaret’s House provides high-quality arts activities to increase confidence and independence for disabled adults in Tower Hamlets and Newham; in partnership with The Bangladeshi Parents and Carers Association (BPCA).

About the client

St Margaret’s House in Bethnal Green promote positive social change. Their arts and wellbeing projects provide spaces for people to meet, learn, create, eat, shop, and enjoy a diverse cultural programme.

Bangladeshi Parents and Carers Association (BPCA) is a specialist voluntary organisation working with people with multiple disabilities.

I liked leading the key game; people were listening to me, and I was helping them.
— BPCA Participant


Kat was the Project-Coordinator (2020-2023) and responsible for setting up the project and delivering it online during the Covid-19 pandemic and then transitioning the group back in to working together in person.


To deliver a creative, high-quality arts programme alongside artistic partners and tackle the social isolation experienced by the participants during the technology.

How is this achieved?

By obtaining donated laptops, programming them with remote access technology, providing internet where needed and working alongside BPCA to develop trust in this new way of interacting.

Kat Gill’s approach to facilitation has inspired me and led to a new embodied understanding of radical kindness as a method of practice.
— Kesha Krutskih (MA Placement Student RCSSD)


Participants were able to access the online sessions simply by switching the laptops on. Following months of separation this was truly remarkable.

After the centre re-opened Kat facilitated and supported sessions which helped participants re-integrate and re-gain communication and social skills.

It’s amazing to see the effort that’s gone into keeping the work going through this awful time. I’m blown away. Fantastic work!
— Kevin Brady (Tower Hamlets Cllr 2021)

Find out more

Find out more about this project at ➔

Get in touch

If you are interested to know more about my services, connect on Linkedin ➔


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